Dear readers,
in 2002 we started lancianews.com since we intended to reach out to Lancia enthusiasts in Austria and beyond. A website was the appropriate way to go at that time. The goal was to establish a platform covering all kinds of topics around historic Lancia by means of for “dynamic communication”, i.e. communication both ways with our readers.
We hoped to attract a big number of contributors, but we did not succeed. Right from the start it was a very small number of people contributing, no increase in-between, with only one left after all those years, E. Marquart. As other enthusiast-based websites we experienced difficulties in attracting a wider circle of contributors. We continuously suffered gaps in delivering “new content every week”, so we filled these gaps with “more of the same”, mainly covering my personal field of interest: the sports history of the Fulvia-Flavia-Flaminia models. Now, 65 stories on Fulvia-Flavia-Flaminia racing seem to be enough. Our readers have been looking for technical stories as well as reports on Lancia car events. Technical stories we could deliver only very few due to the lack of contributors. Our reporting on events was limited by our capacity to partake in all of these – what a shame!
With the end of Lancia as a car-making brand the internet seems to get increasingly filled up with representations and interpretations of Lancia history. Our readers will find various stories under the topics “Drivers journal” and “Press” which will become obsolete within a very short period of time. For the last two years we received statistics by Google analytics showing the decrease in readers and visits to our website.
Following lengthy discussions as well as a re-launch a few years back we now decided to say goodbye to our website. The content will be available for another few months to give you the chance to read what you could not read or missed so far.
Goodbye to Lancianews and goodbye to you, our readers!
Lancianews-team / 8.2018
Sehr schade dass nicht nur Lancia mit 112 Jahren selbst wahrscheinlich in die Zielgerade eingebogen ist – ausser es geschieht noch ein Post Marchionnesches Wunder – sondern auch Lancianews im zarten Alter von gerade einmal 16 Jahren die Segel streicht. Vielen Dank für die ausgezeichnete Arbeit, Lancianews werde ich schmerzlich vermissen!
Verehrtes Lancianews Team, lieber Hannes!
Eine wirklich traurige Mitteilung. Abgesehen von einer Fulvia Lastigkeit, welche viele interessante Informationen brachte, war Lancianews immer an allgemeiner Info zu Lancia Aktivitäten bereit zu informieren. Dies wird mir sicher fehlen.
Aber vielleicht gibt es doch nach wie vor eine Garagenausfahrt zu organisieren und Erfahrungen auszutauschen.
Sehen wir uns in PADOVA ??
Registro Aprilia ist bereit.
Liebe Lancisti und Lancistissimi,
wir verlieren bald einen guten Freund – ein Verlust, ein Schmerz für jetzt – aber wir haben die vielen Jahre, die zahlreichen Berichte und das besondere Fluidum von LanciaNews als gemeinsame und auch als individuelle Erinnerung, und DIE wird uns noch lange, sehr lange bleiben. Und „untereinander“ können wir es wieder zeitweise lebendig machen: „Ach ja, kannst Du Dich… wie der Ernst…“ Dafür dankt auf jeden Fall Willi Kaufmann
Please archive the website’s contents at the Internet Archive. It’ll be a great pity to lose all this information.
Thank you for your message. To archive the contents is not a question of will or money, it’s a question of expedience. What for, for whom? If there are only little touches!
E. Marquart
i’m sad for theese news. If you Ernst want my help tell me